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Manifesto - Starting Points

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Protest / Proaction

Community Engagement


Outward Questions and Information


Plot projects

My project is based around proaction.

By proaction I mean the activity in between protest/activism and gentle protest/craftivist. Protest can sometimes be a word associated with anger and violence whereas craftivism can be seen as a very quiet action. By using proaction it gives it a new, unbiased name and motivation.

The project will be very community and grass roots based.

By working on a more local level it will empower people to make small changes that will have impact rather than larger worldwide issues in which it can be felt your voice cannot be heard

It will use an allotment structure to hold different projects

As there will be multiple voices, all with a different issues or subjects to raise, the project as a whole will be structured around an allotment site. The allotment site will be a metaphor for community and be a container and organiser of the different projects. The main site (HQ as such) will hold the empowerment and the body of the local community. The HQ will also start debate and conversation with outward simple questions and also generate impartial information to inform rather than lecture to the community. Within the allotment site there will be a range of small projects, whether it be finding your voice in your local council or supporting new mothers with links to information. Each small project will have a plot number at the allotment site and will have its own visual aesthetic. This will help to shape the visuals to each small project depending on the social, economic or political ideas behind it.

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