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Walk Workshop

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

I want to create another small workshop to generate ideas of both what communities look like to different people and spark up ideas about what an individual may want to change.

Ideas generated from the images will then be gathered and be a tool to look at their space in a new way

The workshop will consist of a lockdown/local walk looking at one of the following at a time..

-Every different type of font/text on a walk

-Images of things on the walk that make you happy

-Images of things on the walk that make you sad

I'm going to make a workshop sheet to accompany this activity, I will digitally print it for now but I think it would really inviting to make it into a riso print when I can get access and take advantage of the colour overlays/ cheap mass production available through this process.

Ive taken Images to see how these prompts will work on my own walks

Lockdown short local walk documenting every type of font/text on the walk

-Noticed more litter than I usually would

-Loved the fonts and colours on the telegraph poles

-Masks now becoming a part of throwaway litter

-Favourite image is the decaying pop can, hidden under a bush

-Local lost cat poster, could these be inspiration for small posters around area?

-Lots of numbers recording electrical box number etc

-The activity definitely made the regular lockdown walk feel new

-Types of text, handwritten, carved into wood, sprayed onto metal, standard road signs

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