A post explaining the project, main research and project points and thoughts
Below is the structure of my MA project DESM15 and some images of the work that has developed in each area and section.
(A larger version of this can be found under the project map tab on my main blog)
Overall Thoughts
>Within this module I have further developed my methodology focusing on areas such as the Walter and Edith Hub space, in which there are now a strong set of tools to be used by members of the community.
>I have successfully ran workshops and events in three varying forms of community to test out tools created and engage with individuals
-School - Allotment project
60+ school children and parents attended the allotment opening event in which I had designed and created canvases, tote bags, information leaflets and posters to help the school to engage with the local community through the use of the allotment space
-Independent High Street - Sunshine CoOperative Project
Sunshine Co-Op helped to share the Community Is?.. postcards and I also ran a successful workshop, testing and using the WeType workshop format of the workshop ran alongside the designer
-Public Park - Backhouse Park Project
Backhouse park was very successful and I ran a second print trail here, during an event celebrating 100 years of the park. around 80 participants used the print trail and I was also able to collect around 40 Community Is?.. postcard answers too.
-These projects have been really successful and I have already been asked to run future events
Project Talking Points
-As shown above the small projects were very successful and in future the tools in the hub and these projects can work to develop the activities and workshops available.
-SeeMe, a project I was asked to be part of was very helpful to test the WeType workshop, used at Sunshine CoOp without the input and direction of myself as the designer. The turnaround for this project was very quick and so it made me develop the workshop to be able to use gummed papers to create the type, again giving another worksop option. The SeeMe project involved around 90 school-children from 9 schools who had been excluded or expelled using the workshop pack to show their individuality and give themselves a voice rather than a label..
-The further developments of bringing a strong aesthetic and branding to this project have continued to help to give one cohesive, unified voice to the works. The TTF, workshop and WEType packs also really help to bring a unified, yet creative look to all projects
The affirmations of research included the development of a print which showed the most frequently used words, when answering the question of, Community Is? The most frequently used words were,
each other
In my essay there were then connections between the work of JRF (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) who use their 4 c's, ‘critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinking’. and a report which found in over 100 papers on community, only the word 'people' connected them
These 4 top words will also be installed as a huge 2.4x2m banner at the entrance to Priestman Building for the degree show, these words have become a very important part of this project and really sum up the idea of collaboration and togetherness for me..
It should be noted, there have been less blog posts for the module but that has been as experimental progress was documented in earlier modules and each of the newer DESM15 posts have been around the larger parts of the project/projects which has been an accumulation from previous smaller experimental developments.
The final booklet created, has been printed on the Riso machine, it was first planned to develop this as a digital booklet, but I have still developed my InDesign skills, yet used a method which I felt looked aesthetically more fitting with the projects and also was more pressing of my skills as it was printed as a CMYK separation.
This booklet really pulls all the projects together and explains all of the hub, tools and smaller projects in a structured, understandable way. It will be a tool in future, for promoting the work of Walter and Edith